Therapist: Mae El Hamoud - Kirchhoff Fysio
Almere, Amersfoort, Amsterdam, Baarn en Volendam

Therapist: Mae El Hamoud

Eindelijk van je klachten af bij Kirchhoff Fysio

Branch office Amsterdam

Mae El Hamoud

My name is Mae Hamoud, physiotherapist and movement scientist. I graduated with a Bachelor of Physical Therapy from Charles University in Prague in 2017, majoring in manual therapy. In 2021, I obtained a master’s degree in Human Movement Sciences at the Free University of Amsterdam. My work experience includes various fields within physiotherapy, such as orthopaedic rehabilitation and postural correction. I am fascinated by the human body and how it is able to adapt to different situations. I specialise in Muscle Energy Technique, medical taping and spiral stabilisation of the spine.

Call Mae El Hamoud directly: 06-5259 2719

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